because pseudo quasi crushes are just not good enough


Since twitter has become a complete shit show I’m out of there as far as my social media goes and will probably just be on Mastodon for the indefinite future.

New Previa windshield washers

In attempts to remedy some engineering oversights in the Previa, and fix things that were broken on my “new” van, the wipers were an immediate sore spot. The passenger side sprayer was inactive. I found it wasn’t even connected under the hood, reconnected it, then found that the whole “sprayer” end was gone.

Given that you can only use the old inserts on these if you want them to work I decided to come up with something better. Here’s my foray into that.


When the wires break

So the roadster was having some intermittent starting and running issues. Found the culprit to be a wire that had grounded out to the back of the alternator.

This looks to be due to some improper routing by the mechanic that did the alternator install.


New bed design?

Prelim sketches for version two of my hanging bed. Will be constructed with the Shaper Origin router when I get it. Potential for great old ones murals. I like.

Clearing up light oxidation on plastic headlights


Not much to this one. I’ve had good luck with the meguiars plastx. I just use a bit on some of the blue paper towel and give it the ol elbow grease.

The new mule. Long live poor little Donkey.

So my truck was recently smashed up by some lady who decided to go straight from a turn only lane and come right into the side of me.


So that left me in need of a new truck. I’m the somewhat middle of a remodel on the house, not having a truck is a major style cramp. (more…)

Breathe easy Coulson!

I've ordered a new set of mikuni 42mm carbs for Coulson. I have the original SU carbs and there is currently a downdraft weber on there. Instead of going with the SU carbs I decided to give it a good upgrade with more modern carb technology. These are said to net a good deal more power ad well as improving economy. We're currently getting 14/18 so we will see.



Moss motors disappointing valve covers

So I initially picked up a polished valve cover. The fins on it looked like they were polished very aggressively. Rounded over and just overall not uniform.

So I returned it and got the “wrinkle finish” what they call wrinkle finish looks more like a hammer finish, and it is all over the damn thing. Even on the surface where the seal goes. Something tells me it would make a lot more sense for this to be smooth. In addition to it being a mediocre casting.

That said these things are pretty cheap, so it's no wonder the quality is sub par.







Coulson Cibie headlight upgrade

Not too much to tell here, just swapped out the standard sealed Sylvania headlights with some Cibie H4 headlights. I snagged these from my old Volvo. Since they have a running light in them it would cause me to have to modify the headlight bucket on the MG. I don’t want to do that so I just ordered another set of Cibie lights without the running light. Surprised at how cheap they are on Amazon. $40 a pop, I think I paid upwards of $80 for the ones I have over a decade ago.

Either way, the difference in light pattern and output in them since they use a newer style halogen bulb, is amazing.

Low Beams with the stock light on the left and cibie on the right.

2015-11-23 (3)


And the High Beams

2015-11-23 (2)

Presents for Coulson

Just a couple things to nice it up. Full stainless tourist trophy exhaust, along with a cute little cup holder setup and two seat belt holders. Courtesy of Moss Motors. Also we picked up two wolo full blast horns. The current horns, well you can lean your head out the window and yell louder. These should be a marked improvement.