because pseudo quasi crushes are just not good enough

Breathe easy Coulson!

I've ordered a new set of mikuni 42mm carbs for Coulson. I have the original SU carbs and there is currently a downdraft weber on there. Instead of going with the SU carbs I decided to give it a good upgrade with more modern carb technology. These are said to net a good deal more power ad well as improving economy. We're currently getting 14/18 so we will see.


So the first thing to do is to start modifying the old intake manifold. It needs ported a bit to match the opening of the carbs. To get an idea here is the mounting rubber compared to the opening on the manifold.


So you can see there is a decent bit of material to remove. I'll have to do this on the heat shield as well as the phenolic spacers too.

I'm also going to block off all but one of the vacuum ports since I'll just need a single one for the vacuum advance distributor. I started with tapping some of the holes that were either just press fits, or the threads had already been chowdered up.


I couldn't find a cheap bolt that was the tread side at the hardware store for the big port in the center. So I said screw it and just welded it shut. And filed it smooth. My tig welding skills suck immensely so at least I was able to file it smooth.

More to come later.