Okay folks, I am going to talk about something that is absolutely mortifying.

This weekend was really terrible. I spent the majority of it in bed. The other few moments were in tears.

I am going to talk about it because the scope of this issue was not fully discussed by anyone when chemo was presented, and the only place I have seen any real discussions about it have been on other chemo patient blogs. I may not be able to look any of you in the eye from now on, but at least I have done the right thing and let you know, because it is really important and excruciatingly painful.  Like- I was on the floor in a pool of my own sweat and tears trying to stay conscious painful. I am not exaggerating. It happened several days in a row.

When you are undergoing chemo, a lot of weird things happen to your body. A lot of these things are obvious, others just get more talk time. Things like losing your hair and nails, the nausea, the heartburn, the swelling, the fatigue, the fact that you are not allowed to eat raw fruits and vegetables. What does not get talked about enough is what happens to your digestive system and what happens in the bathroom.

So here goes!

The enzymes and bacteria in your mouth, stomach, and intestines die off.  No bueno.  Your body basically stops making mucus when you have chemo. That is more important that you would ever fathom. The dehydration you are fighting by drinking a gallon of water a day is never abated.  The combination of those things means this: you will look on the toilet with panic and fear. Why? Because the food you are eating is not quite as digested as normal, and there is no longer any natural lubrication from your intestines, and you will be slightly constipated. This causes hemorrhoids, and even if you have had them before, you have not had them without that friend mucus or your buddies that normally help you digest your food. I promise you, it is the most painful thing that has ever happened to me so far in my life. And you can’t avoid going to the bathroom forever.

All the OTC creams and all the witchazel in the world do not do anything to fix what is happening inside of you. They help, but not much. Even a lidocaine cream did not do anything to help. So I started searching the web, and the only place I found any real advice was on various other blogs. I can tell you that after 1 day, something that was shared on a few of them is already working! If I had the energy to dance, I would.

First let me say- always check with your doctor before trying anything. I didn’t this time because I was about to jump in front of a bus if I didn’t try something. What I found that seemed to help most people, and that is already helping me is: Blackstrap Molasses.


A simple, old fashioned home remedy that actually helps with several things at once. It is full of all sorts of goodness, but it is insanely sweet. Here is a good bit of info   I drank a tablespoon last night with the milk and ice, and had 2 tablespoons in the same with a teeny bit of cold brew coffee throughout the day today. All I can say is, while still unpleasant, I did not again end up in a crying ball on the floor tonight. And I did not lose several ounces of blood either.

So there you have it- my shame is my gift to you should you ever find yourself on the floor in a pool of your own tears and sweat, trying not to pass the eff out from pain. Before it starts to get anywhere near there, go to the store and stock up on blackstrap molasses. Then send me a flippin thank you card mofo.


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