because pseudo quasi crushes are just not good enough

Category Archives: Uncategorized

She’s not there, but I was

The Zombies. Holy shit can these guys rock just as hard as if it were still the 60s. Crap photos, but hey I was watching the show.

Testing posting from massive fecking phone

Anole Ya Know!

Dirty perverts. Get a room.  

Gauge pod solution? Mickey Mouse nonsense!

So I wanted to do some gauge pods, and I’m not a huge fan of the A pillar pod look. Nor was I looking for pods to replace my dash vents or pods on the dashboard itself. In stumbling around on the nets I found some pics of people who did some integrated with their […]

Popping your nuts with Stanley. Rivnut tool & ANL fuse install

So I’m putting an ANL fuse holder and a fused power block in the car and I needed a good way to mount them on the firewall. To accomplish this I got a rivnut/pop nut tool kit. I’ve used pop rivets before but not pop threaded inserts so this is a bit of a tool […]

Update and such

It's been a bit since I've made an update. Largely because I've been working with dirty metal and stopping to take pics with the ipad tends to get it all sorts of dirty. So I need to figure out a way to keep the ipad clean but still get decent pics. I'm gonna order a […]

Polyurethane filled motor mounts.

There are several ways of doing this, there is no one method fits all as everyone's tastes are different. I'm going with some 3M window weld. It has what I believe to be the right amount of hardness for the results I want. A little more rigid than stock, but not jarring the fillings out […]

Works Bell, the bell works?

If you're familiar with Works Bell, you know they make some fun car parts. I picked myself up a Rapfix II quick release for my car.  

Rear sway bar in the wagon

Photo dumping for now, nothing to write up yet.

Don’t you, forget about me. Me being your headlights!

For those of us of the more forgetful nature, or used to automatic headlights in the fancier cars, here’s a super simple headlight buzzer mod. There is a tool less way to do it that involves wrapping wires around fuses, but that can screw up the socket and I’d rather just have an actual module […]